
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Vision of Lucy By Margaret Brownley - Great book!!

 A Vision of Lucy 
By Margaret Brownley
Buy It: Click Here!

This is the third book in the series A Rocky Creek Romance by Margaret Brownley. I really enjoyed this book. It arrived around 12pm Monday and by 4:30/5:00pm I was done with it! I honestly couldn't put it down. I think the longest it was down was 2-5 minutes when I had to take a restroom break, lol. It was a really well written book. The author really knows how to connect the reader to the characters. If the previous books in this series are as good as this one was then I will definitely be picking them up in the near future.
 This book is about Lucy Fairbanks, who I think is living in the wrong time period. She's a young woman who wants a profession, she loves photography and thinks you can capture more with a camera than you can by just looking at a person. In this book Lucy is kind of unlucky. She gets herself into some of the worse situations. She is fun-loving and not at all a series person. In my opinion people need someone to balance them out. That would be where the tall, dark & handsome "bad boy" comes in. David Wolf. He lived in town when he was a boy but he was basically ran out of town by 4 cowards. This book holds a ton of emotion in it's pages. Guilt, anger, sadness, love, regret, excited, etc...

I most definitely recommend this book to others. In fact I told my mom about it and she's currently reading it.

 [[Disclaimer: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program.. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.]]

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