
Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Dragons of Chiril by Donita K. Paul = Slow beginning, AWESOME middle & ending!

The Dragons of Chiril
Donita K. Paul
Pre-Order It: Click Here!
Read an Excerpt from the book! HERE!

I received this book I think the last week of May. It's taken me a bit to read it because at first I just couldn't get into it. It took me a few chapters. But when I finally got interested in it, WOW. It was an amazing book. I just found out it's part of a series! I will have to get the other books because I really enjoyed the story. 
This book is based on Tipper & her friends & family. They are on a quest to find 3 statues that Tipper has sold to keep her family home. Their quest takes them to the capital city to the King & Queens palace, a place Tippers mom hasn't been in years. See Tippers mom is an exiled princess. In the process of their quest they meet up with the Dragon Prince, who decides to help them. He also lends them his dragons. The reason for this quest is Tippers father is literally disappearing. The book is highly imaginative & entertaining, I suggest if you like fantasy books then you get this book!

[[Disclaimer: I received this book free from Blogging for Books.. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.]]  

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