
Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Reluctant Queen - Joan Wolf - AMAZING BOOK!

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Let me be completely honest. I started reading this book thinking I'd HATE it. Why? Because it said on the back "You've read it as a Biblical tale of courage. Experience is anew as a heart-stirring love story." Biblical? What?! First I've actually never read the Bible completely. Second, how did I miss that? I had no idea about Esther, or the Great King. I was going in blind. 
This book has completely surprised me. I LOVED it! I was sad when it ended to be honest. 

I can't believe that Esthers family would ask something like that of her. Marry the king and possibly be unhappy for the rest of your life to save your people? But I suppose back in those days "arranged" marriages weren't so unheard of. It was great that she finally came to love the king and him fall in love with her and continue to love her even though she was Jewish. The book I don't think follows the story in the Bible closely though. I'm sure there was a lot that was fantasized. Seeing how I've never read the story of Esther I can't compare the 2, but if it's anything like this book was then I will definitely have to read it. 

 [[Disclaimer: I received this book free from BookSneeze.. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.]]
[Originally posted May 31st 2011]]

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