
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Indelible - Kristen Heitzmann - 5/5 Stars!

This is the second book by Kristen Heitzmann I've read, the first was Indivisible. That was an amazing book so I had high hopes for this one. It didn't let me down. This book takes you back to Redford, Colorado, a intense tale of Trevor MacDaniel & Natalie Reeve. When a mountain lion attack on her nephew pushes them together, Trevor & Natalie must prove how strong they are. Trevor is an Ex-Gold Medalist Skier who has become a Search & Rescue Member. Natalie is a sculptor. She has eidetic memory, she withholds strong emotions on peoples faces. The only way for her to get rid of them is to sculpt them. She sculpts people from the rescuing of her nephew, her gallery opening. Trevor, Natalie & the whole town are about to get a very nasty visitor. A man who is just a little boy inside, lost. He sees Trevor as his adversary. He puts children in horrifying situations then photographs them and sends the pictures to Trevor. Everyone is pushed to their limits to try to find this sicko before someone is killed. Who is targeting the kids? Why is he targeting Trevor, a ex-gold medalist. Will everyone make it through? There are many amazing characters in this book. I urge everyone to get this book and get to know them. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. 
Excerpt: Link!
Buy it!: Link!
[[Disclaimer: I received this book free from Blogging for Books.. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.]]  
[[Originally posted May 26th 2011]]

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