
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Table by the Window - Hillary Manton Lodge

A Table by the Window
Hillary Manton Lodge

I'm just going to come right out and say this right now, I choose this book by only one word. Recipes. After I read that I decided that YEP this book is definitely for me. See, I love cooking. Absolutely LOVE it. Besides reading, it's my favorite thing to do. And reading a book revolving around someone who is so immersed in the culinary world, amazing. 

Juliette D'Alisa just lost her grandmother, has a job offer from her brother, inherited her grandmothers prep table and is dabbling in online dating. A ton on her plate right now don't you think? Oh that was good huh, "ton on her plate" totally didn't mean that little pun! haha anyways moving on! The book is about Juliette on a mission to figure out just who the guy in the photograph she found in the prep table is and her needing to decide on pretty big life changes. Does she want to quit her coveted food writer job for the opportunity to work in her brothers new restaurant? And her online dating adventure has landed her a potential treasure in Neil, the handsome doctor from Memphis, Tennessee. Long distance relationships are pretty hard, but to juggle him and the possible business with her brother? Along with the secret man in the photograph and deciding on her job?
Read the book and find out. You really won't be disappointed, I promise.

[[Disclaimer: I received this book free from Blogging for Books.. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.]] 

Monday, March 10, 2014

A Stillness of Chimes - Meg Moseley

A Stillness of Chimes
Meg Moseley

Laura Gantt is back in her hometown of Prospect, Georgia for her mothers funeral and to wrap up the last of her affairs. Not long after she arrives she runs into her old flame, Sean, who has the unfortunate job of informing her of the rumors swirling around about her deceased father. But will she believe that people have seen her father? That would mean he faked his death and walked out on her mother and her. Can she really believe that he would do that to the people he loved more than anything, even knowing his issues with PTSD? Will she stay longer than she had planned to look for clues as to what is really going and give Sean a chance to win her back? So many questions. This book was amazing in my opinion, in the beginning it took me a chapter or so to really get into it but when I did I finished it within the day. The authors writing style had me going back and forth with what I thought was going on and kept me quite enthralled. I really recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a mystery mixed with a little bit of romance mixed with a little suspense.

[[Disclaimer: I received this book free from Blogging for Books.. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.]]  

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cloak of the Light - Chuck Black

Cloak of the Light
Chuck Black
Pre-Order It: [click here]
Read Chapter One: [click here]
Authors Website: [click here]

I received this book on the 7th of February around 11am or so. By 5pm that night I was finished. To say it was a good is an understatement. I didn't want to put it down and literally carried it around with me reading as I went from room to room.
I was so wrapped up in the book and what was going to happen next, I'm really not one for "Christian Fiction" Or so I thought. If you like Sci-Fi books and err on the side of young adult Cristian reading materials then this book would most definitely be a good pick for you. At first when I started reading it I honestly didn't even connect the "invaders" to what they actually were. But as the story went on I started putting pieces together.
My only complaint is I wasn't aware that this book was part of a series. Possibly my fault, but I think that should be stated somewhere because at the end I was frustrated with so many loose ends. Speaking of the end, the Readers Guide was really worth reading. Good job Mr. Black, you have gotten another person into your books. I will be looking for more by him as soon as I can. And I will definitely be picking up the next book in the series(I HOPE)

What if...there was a world beyond our vision, a world just fingertips beyond our reach? What if...our world wasn’t beyond their influence?

Tragedy and heartache seem to be waiting for Drew Carter at every turn, but college offers Drew a chance to start over—until an accident during a physics experiment leaves him blind and his genius friend, Benjamin Berg, missing.

As his sight miraculously returns, Drew discovers that the accident has heightened his neuron activity, giving him skills and sight beyond the normal man. When he begins to observe fierce invaders that no one else can see, he questions his own sanity, and so do others. But is he insane or do the invaders truly exist?

With help from Sydney Carlyle, a mysterious and elusive girl who offers encouragement through her faith, Drew searches for his missing friend, Ben, who seems to hold the key to unlocking this mystery. As the dark invaders close in, will he find the truth in time?

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review

Monday, July 18, 2011

Too Rich for a Bride - Mona Hodgson

Too Rich for a Bride
Mona Hodgson
Read an excerpt: CLICK HERE!

I received this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah. To be honest this book was a bit slow to start out. But once I got a few chapters in, it started  to get really good. lol
It's set in the old west when it was uncommon for women to be in the business world. But that didn't stop Miss Ida Sinclair, who back on the East Coast went to university for business. When her professor hit on her she talked the dean into giving her her diploma and moved out west to Cripple Creek, Colorado with 2 of her sisters, Kat & Nell. She moved into a boarding house run by Miss Hattie. Miss Hattie is a sort of mother hen over her. Ida finds a job with Mollie O'Bryan, a successful businesswoman in Cripple Creek. Two men vie for Ida's attention, a preacher & one of the towns many business men. Will she fall for the good preacher man or the man whose dreams are seemingly the same as hers. 

[[Disclaimer: I received this book free from Blogging for Books.. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.]]  

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Dragons of Chiril by Donita K. Paul = Slow beginning, AWESOME middle & ending!

The Dragons of Chiril
Donita K. Paul
Pre-Order It: Click Here!
Read an Excerpt from the book! HERE!

I received this book I think the last week of May. It's taken me a bit to read it because at first I just couldn't get into it. It took me a few chapters. But when I finally got interested in it, WOW. It was an amazing book. I just found out it's part of a series! I will have to get the other books because I really enjoyed the story. 
This book is based on Tipper & her friends & family. They are on a quest to find 3 statues that Tipper has sold to keep her family home. Their quest takes them to the capital city to the King & Queens palace, a place Tippers mom hasn't been in years. See Tippers mom is an exiled princess. In the process of their quest they meet up with the Dragon Prince, who decides to help them. He also lends them his dragons. The reason for this quest is Tippers father is literally disappearing. The book is highly imaginative & entertaining, I suggest if you like fantasy books then you get this book!

[[Disclaimer: I received this book free from Blogging for Books.. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.]]  

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Vision of Lucy By Margaret Brownley - Great book!!

 A Vision of Lucy 
By Margaret Brownley
Buy It: Click Here!

This is the third book in the series A Rocky Creek Romance by Margaret Brownley. I really enjoyed this book. It arrived around 12pm Monday and by 4:30/5:00pm I was done with it! I honestly couldn't put it down. I think the longest it was down was 2-5 minutes when I had to take a restroom break, lol. It was a really well written book. The author really knows how to connect the reader to the characters. If the previous books in this series are as good as this one was then I will definitely be picking them up in the near future.
 This book is about Lucy Fairbanks, who I think is living in the wrong time period. She's a young woman who wants a profession, she loves photography and thinks you can capture more with a camera than you can by just looking at a person. In this book Lucy is kind of unlucky. She gets herself into some of the worse situations. She is fun-loving and not at all a series person. In my opinion people need someone to balance them out. That would be where the tall, dark & handsome "bad boy" comes in. David Wolf. He lived in town when he was a boy but he was basically ran out of town by 4 cowards. This book holds a ton of emotion in it's pages. Guilt, anger, sadness, love, regret, excited, etc...

I most definitely recommend this book to others. In fact I told my mom about it and she's currently reading it.

 [[Disclaimer: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program.. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.]]

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Reluctant Queen - Joan Wolf - AMAZING BOOK!

But it: Click Here!

Let me be completely honest. I started reading this book thinking I'd HATE it. Why? Because it said on the back "You've read it as a Biblical tale of courage. Experience is anew as a heart-stirring love story." Biblical? What?! First I've actually never read the Bible completely. Second, how did I miss that? I had no idea about Esther, or the Great King. I was going in blind. 
This book has completely surprised me. I LOVED it! I was sad when it ended to be honest. 

I can't believe that Esthers family would ask something like that of her. Marry the king and possibly be unhappy for the rest of your life to save your people? But I suppose back in those days "arranged" marriages weren't so unheard of. It was great that she finally came to love the king and him fall in love with her and continue to love her even though she was Jewish. The book I don't think follows the story in the Bible closely though. I'm sure there was a lot that was fantasized. Seeing how I've never read the story of Esther I can't compare the 2, but if it's anything like this book was then I will definitely have to read it. 

 [[Disclaimer: I received this book free from BookSneeze.. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.]]
[Originally posted May 31st 2011]]

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